PieSeries Constructor (List<Number> | Array<Number>, List<String> | Array<String>, List<String> | Array<String>)
See Also

Initializes a new instance of the PieSeries class.

Namespace: MindFusion.Charting
File: PieSeries.js


JavaScript  Copy Code

function PieSeries (values, innerLabels, outerLabels)



A list of data values.


A list of inner labels.


A list of outer labels.


The following code creates a new PieSeries and sets it as the series to be rendered by an instance of the PieChart control:

JavaScript  Copy Code
pieChart.series = new Charting.PieSeries([20, 60, 40, 55], ["January", "February", "March", "April"], ["January", "February", "March", "April"]);
pieChart.series.title = "Pie Series";

 See Also